Zavodske is situated in the north of the Poltava Oblast, Ukraine, between the rivers Sula and Artopolot in the forest and steppe zone, 12 km of the district centre Lokhvytsia and 160 km of Poltava city. The town is intersected by the railway line Bakhmach – Kremenchuk, Pivdenna Zaliznytsia with the station Sula. The town area size is 1,259 ha. The population totals 8,758 people, including: town inhabitants 99.63%, rural dwellers 0.37 %. The town was founded in September 1928.
Town investment structure
Zavodske is a powerful industrial centre of the Poltava Oblast and is represented by one of the biggest Ukrainian enterprises: Zavodske branch of PJSC "Rais-Maksimko"; Elevator PJSC "Kompanii Rais". The construction of the elevator PJSC "Kompanii Rais"; PJSC "Skloprilad"; The plant PJSC "Skloprilad"; PJSC Lohvitskyi kombikormovyi zavod; LLC "Kvarts -2008"; State enterprise "Lohvitskyi spyrtovyi kombinat".
Zavodske is situated in the perspective oil and gas production area. There are great deposits of peat. Building sand is widespread in the valley of the Sula River. Zavodske holds partnership with the Krzeszow commune of Subcarpathian Voivodship of the Republic of Poland.